
Well drilling

  • Posted on:  Tuesday, 27 August 2013 15:03
  • Written by 

SIA "ATVV AKA" has implemented dozens of water supply projects throughout Latvia, successfully cooperating with municipalities, large and small enterprises and organisations, individual clients and households. The qualifications and experience of the company`s experts combine with access to the best equipment means that we can provide anyone with the most vital necessity of life - qualitative drinking water.

Before installation of the borehole begins, SIA "ATVV AKA" experts can give advice on the possibilities of using underground water anywhere in Latvia. Their expertise covers necessary drilling depth, anticipated water quality and options for the construction of the borehole, and if necessary they can inform clients about Latvian laws and regulations governing the use of underground waters.

SIA "ATVV AKA" provides a comprehensive range of services, from drafting plans and arranging permits from state institutions through to performing drilling work and issuing clients with borehole passports from the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency.

SIA "ATVV AKA" uses URB 2,5A, URB 3A3 and BA 15 drilling machines. This equipment allows us to drill boreholes from a few dozen to 1000 metres deep.

Depending on the client`s needs and underground water requirements, boreholes can be fitted with stainless steel, black steel or polythene pipes.

After the borehole has been drilled , its hydro geological parameters (static and dynamic level) and recommended operating load are determined.

SIA "ATVV AKA" gives a two year guarantee on its work.

Read 7362 times Last modified on Wednesday, 09 November 2016 18:18

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